Offering you insights and fresh thinking

Bringing fresh thinking, unique perspectives and recent research to support you.

Author: Mark Withers

If Peter Drucker’s adage that culture eats strategy for breakfast is right, why is it that we spend comparatively less time in being intentional about ...
How do you define leadership? It’s a tough question. Despite the plethora of publications, programmes and podcasts we have no single narrative to define leadership. ...
We live in unprecedented times or Megachange as Darrel West calls it. Megachange points to a great inflection point in human history - where the ...
In her book, Conversational Intelligence Judith Glaser proposes that conversational competence is critical to priming the brain for trust, partnership and mutual success. The quality ...
In organisations, the importance of trust is multi-faceted. Recent World Economic Forum research points to CEO concerns that falling trust in their organisations will hinder ...
One of the strangest pieces of research we have come across was published in the Harvard Business Review: ‘Adults behave better when Teddy bears are ...
Don’t be put off by the somewhat adolescent title of this gem of a book. Unleash your leader contains some essential truths every leader needs ...
Will “getting gritty” be one of your New Years’ resolutions? It might seem like a strange suggestion, but I’d like to explain why it’s mine. ...
This is the headline statement of an excellent new book called The Fearless Organisation by Amy Edmondson a Professor at Harvard Business School. ...
I often hear from organisational leaders that we need to move from providing information to discovering insights. It’s a seductive thought. We have information overload, ...