Board Effectiveness
Enhance your Board and improve business decisions and organisational performance.
Relationships and dynamics are critical to Board effectiveness
Using our GIFT® framework, we ensure that the relationships and dynamics that are critical to Board effectiveness are properly explored, along with Board governance and processes. Beyond evaluation, we support Boards address growth opportunities that have emerged through evaluation.
Solutions that can help your Board
Independent Board Evaluation
Regular independent Board evaluations are a requirement for many organisations and are a good practice for all organisations. We help Boards to understand their strengths and identify opportunities for improvement. In our Board Evaluation white paper you will learn how this works and ways to maximise the potential of your Board.
Mightywaters’ structured approach to Board effectiveness evaluation enabled Board members (who are from a joint venture of four mobile operators) to think deeply about their contribution and to reflect on what works well and where we need to refocus. The recommendations really added value and we are in the process of implementing them. I am very pleased with the outcomes of this work, it has exceeded my expectations
David Meyer
Chair, DMSL Board
Board Skills Audit
We help you understand and get the most from the skills and experience you have already on the Board and to identify skills gaps that need to be closed to address future business challenges.

We asked Mightywaters Consulting to carry out a Board skills audit and they were able to help us articulate the strengths and weaknesses in the size and composition of our Board. Their recommendations have helped us to recruit new Board members with the appropriate skills to drive our future business strategy
Peter Weissberg

Board Member Performance and Feedback
We help Chairs articulate expectations of Board members and to gather feedback in constructive and helpful ways that supports Board Member development and performance.
To help us develop our effectiveness as a Board we asked Mightywaters to help us to work on an approach to facilitate Board member feedback and self-review. This was the first time we had attempted anything as formal as this. Mightywaters were able to develop a structured process that enabled Board members to think deeply about their contribution and which helped me to have full and frank discussions with each Board member. I am very pleased with the outcomes of this work. The approach has caused us all to think about our behaviours and contribution and I am confident that it has laid strong foundations for us to develop collectively and individually as a Board. Through this work, Mightywaters have also been able to identify other opportunities for us to improve as a Board, bringing additional value beyond the project remit. I recommend Mightywaters positively to any Chair seeking to improve the effectiveness of their Board
John Stageman
Chair of Life Arc
Board Development
We design and facilitate powerful Board away days and workshops that develops Board effectiveness and impact.

The process Mightywaters brings to evaluate Board effectiveness has really helped us to highlight strengths and to prioritise areas where we need to improve. The approach is personal, giving each Board member an opportunity to voice their viewpoint, and it is relevant, focusing on those areas that will help us perform at a higher level. Some of our challenges have not been straightforward. Mightywaters has helped us address these through skilful facilitation, providing a safe space for the Board to tackle sensitive issues and identify ways forward. Mightywaters have now worked with the Board over three cycles of Board evaluation and we the improvement in Board performance has been dramatic. This has been an extremely valuable intervention which is enabling the Board to raise its performance.
Elaine Bayliss
NHS Hospitals Trust
Discover more from Mightywaters on Board Effectiveness

Anna Withers, Founder and Director
Does your Board have untapped potential?
Withers, A. (2019). Does your Board have untapped potential?. Ethical Boardroom, Autumn Issue.
A board effectiveness evaluation that gets under the skin of what’s working well and what’s getting in the way of peak performance is the perfect vehicle to help boards unlock this potential. But what does an effective board evaluation look like? Read Anna’s article published in Ethical Boardroom and find out why and how to conduct a board evaluation and the conditions for success.