Developing the Effectiveness of Board Members



Our client is an asset management building holding numerous businesses in the UK and USA. The aim of the business is to grow asset value and Boards are the primary way the asset management team have a line of sight into each business they own or part-own. Improving the effectiveness of asset Boards is a strategic goal of our client and we were asked to run a development event to better equip the asset management team who sit on Boards.


We worked with Client senior leaders to shape the content of the development event, which was framed around the Mightywaters GIFTTM framework.

We included Client Partners as contributors to the development event so that others could learn from their considerable experience.

The event was interactive, allowing plenty of time for discussion of the real challenges Board members faced in assets owned by the business. 


This event has helped our client to set clear and common expectations of Board members and to help Board members see their role beyond the mechanics of governance. The event has started to create a culture of learning and sharing of effective practices across assets (not done previously). The event has been a catalyst for Board members to create a Board development for each of the Boards they own.

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