Knowing Keir Starmer

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Knowing Keir Starmer – I challenged myself to go beyond the media headlines to discover more about our new PM and came across this excellent biography of Keir Starmer written by Tom Baldwin.

Being fearless

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This is the headline statement of an excellent new book called The Fearless Organisation by Amy Edmondson a Professor at Harvard Business School.

How do you bring insight?

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I often hear from organisational leaders that we need to move from providing information to discovering insights. It’s a seductive thought. We have information overload, but where are the rubies in the rubble of all this information? What insights are there that will help me to do my job better, grow the business, offer something special to our customers?

Habitually resolving to be curious

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For many of us new year = new start. Our minds turn to the list of things we plan to do, change, improve and discard in our lives. At my gym a couple of weeks ago we were told by our instructor to get up extra early to book onto classes to ensure we don’t lose out due to the post-Christmas enthusiasm to finally get fit this year.

An unusual German New Year’s tradition

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If you click on this link you will watch the most frequently repeated TV program of all time. It is a 1963 English comedy sketch called Dinner for One, starring Freddie Frinton and May Warden.

Do you value your snowflakes?

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No, this is not a pejorative use of ‘snowflake’ to take a poke at the perceived fragility of younger people. Take a look at this 80-second clip from David Attenborough’s ‘Frozen Planet’.

Organisational Design: Illusion Slaying

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The great writer, poet and philosopher Arthur Koestler once maintained that nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion. We disagree. As OD professionals, we believe that part of our work is to slay illusions so that we gain a more comprehensive view of the whole system.

The Knowing – Doing Gap in Diversity and Inclusion

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The book ‘The Knowing – Doing Gap’, written by Professors Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton[1], is one of the great classics in management literature. The insights they share in this bestseller are as relevant today as they were nearly two decades ago when the book was first published.