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Category: Organisational Change

This second of three articles on People ‘Bridges to the Future’ explores three critical skillsets people professionals must excel in to ensure the human side ...
In a recent Harvard Business Review discussion about what the next normal is going to look like, many of the panellists re-emphasised that quality talent ...
A number of words or phrases are being used to capture our current season. Transition, emergence, fog are some words we have heard used. New ...
After just over two years spent living in the wilderness, Henry Thoreau’s great learning expressed through his book Walden was the value of simplification. ...
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen excellent examples of people removing barriers to get things done at pace. Test centres have appeared out of ...
‘Same storm, different boats’ seems to be the metaphor of the moment. Storms are violent, unpredictable and threatening. Our primary focus on surviving the storm ...
Over the past few weeks, the word ‘Zoom’ has slipped effortlessly into our vocabulary. We are now ‘on a Zoom’; been ‘invited to Zoom’; multiple ...
We have been running Mightywaters as a husband and wife team for nearly 22 years now. For most of this time, our office has been ...
Simon Sinek encouraged us to Start With Why and, more recently is offering to help us Find Our Why. The subtext of each of these ...
The 2015 CIPD Learning and Development Survey[i] found that a top priority for leadership development was to equip leaders to drive culture change in organisations. ...