Knowing Keir Starmer

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Knowing Keir Starmer – I challenged myself to go beyond the media headlines to discover more about our new PM and came across this excellent biography of Keir Starmer written by Tom Baldwin.

Mr Bates and Board Effectiveness

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The ITV drama Mr Bates v The Post Office has been a powerful catalyst in drawing attention to a gargantuan miscarriage of justice. It was heart-wrenching stuff, hitting hard because real people are involved telling real stories. It certainly left me thinking why on earth wasn’t this injustice picked up and resolved way, way earlier?

Supporting Your Team When There’s High Uncertainty

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‘Although we are through Covid, it’s so hard to be certain about what lies ahead’ a manager recently told me. ‘The market is volatile, morale is low and there are rumours of reorganisation. I want to give my team reassurance, but I don’t really know what the future will bring either. What should I do?’

Learning from the astronauts and Nutella

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This article, written by Anna Withers, on learning from astronauts forms part of our Leadership Insights series , highlighting the power of communication, looking to help leaders to improve their workforce engagement, leading to greater productivity, higher energy at work, better collaboration and longer retention.

Noticing: Lessons from a River Walk

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This article on ‘Noticing’ forms part of our Leadership Insights series, highlighting the power of observation, looking to help leaders to improve their workforce engagement, leading to greater productivity, higher energy at work, better collaboration and longer retention.

Leadership Insights: The Neuroscience of Trust

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This article on the Neuroscience of Trust forms part of our Leadership Insights series, looking to help leaders to build trust in their workforce, leading to greater productivity, higher energy at work, better collaboration and longer retention.

Leadership Insights: Sensemaking

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This article on Sensemaking is the second article in our Leadership Insights series, looking to help leaders to learn and develop and be prepared to tackle the crises of the future.

Leadership Insights: Vantage Points

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This article on Vantage Points forms part of our Leadership Insights series, where we want to tap into thinking on leadership that will equip you to become a better leader at this time of disruption.

Bridges to the Future: People (3)

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This third article on People ‘Bridges to the Future’ considers two key enablers that will help us create organisations where people flourish and their potential is unlocked.